We Specialize In Helping You Grow Your Personal & Business Wealth.






We Put Credit To Work
For Your Business and Life!

What could having healthy credit mean for you and your business? Great question because credit can be many factors that determines a lot. Your worth, collateral and ability to deliver a service or product on time. Maybe the funding such as grants, loans or investors. Or something simple as needing credit to bid on contracts. Learn how to build your scores, lower your risks and improve your ratings.

Innovative Business Solutions 

We Raise Personal & Business Scores

Our Business is Wealth Building!


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Businesses can grow with money and investments weather it be retirement, your savings, your salary but if you could use others money and investment.

Let's Talk Business, Funding, Credit & Wealth.


Our Simple Four Step Credit Repair Process

Step One: Access Your Credit Scores

In this step we need you to pull your current credit scores from all three major credit beaurows  . Don't worry we go you covered. Click the get started button to be taken to our partner website to get access to your current credit score for only one dollar. 

Step Two: Submit Your Login

Great you now have full access to your current credit scores. Send your login info to us so we come up with credit repair action plan. This should take no longer then 72 hours. 

Step Three: Free Consultation

Once we have a action plan to repair your credit a team member will reach out you via email or phone to setup an one on one consultation so you can see your new road map to great credit.

Step Four: Let's Get To Work

Once we have a action plan to repair your credit a team member will reach out you via email or phone to setup an one on one consultation so you can see your new road map to great credit.

Choose from one of our great partners below.

All Three Personal Credit Scores

2 Business Scores Plus 3 FICO Scores

All Scores
(Get your home, auto & Credit Card Fico Scores)

Fill out this form to get started!

Name* Required field!
Email* Required field!

Our Services

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Business Trade References

Our company can help you report financial lines, lines of credit, non-financial credit experiences, equipment and vehicle leasing ranging from 10k to 250k.

Business Credit

Building with D&B is one thing and it does help your company. But when you build with other Agencies such as: Equifax Business, Experian Business, SBFE, Paynet and others, then you on your way to real Funding.


Businesses can grow with money and investments weather it be retirement, your savings, your salary but if you could use others money and investment.

Business Consulting 

Knowing what it takes to register your company correctly, certification that are needed, licensing that are required, the structure of company, consultation and other important factors we can explore for your business.

Business Development 

The structure and development of your business is a key factor when it comes to building your company and branding your business. Our partner is  a premier branding agency can give you all the tools you need to start your business the right way.

Business Protection 

Understanding what protects you and your business is a very important factor that business owners tend to overlook. Are you personally protected from LLC or INC? How to protect my personal assets from my business? What if I’m sued or my company is being sued?

Non-Profit Corporations

Starting a nonprofit can be very exciting but challenging. You have a purpose or passion performing some type of public or community benefit, without the purpose of making a profit. Are non-profits able to make profit?

Profit Corporations

Are you looking to start a for-profit corporation? Do you need an existing corporation? How about a corporation that’s aged? What are the differences of S Corps, C Corps, LLCs, PCs or INCs. What’s best for you?

Personal Development 

Starting out new or sometimes for existing businesses, you will need personal credit and that’s referred to as a PG or Personal Grantor, if your business doesn’t have established credit. With 25+ years in this field, we know what to do.

Trusted by 5,000+ Customers

Everyday is a new day for us to guide people back on the road to improving their credit and changing their life. Will you be next?


Bo truly does know what he is talking about when it comes to credit and funding. Working with Bo and his team has truly been one of the best experiences of my life.

Steven H.

I didn't think my credit could be repair and especially not in the short amount of time it took the Bo Knows team to do it. Thanks Bo

Sam R.

Some times we all get into rough spots in our life and need help from someone with expertise. When it comes to credit, funding and business Bo was that person to help me when life knocked me down. I am a client for life!

 Take your power back! 


Learn step by step how to repair and build your credit to gain a new lease on life!


Our Partner Companies

Now that you received money for your business HERE is another great way to build your Business and have up to a 10K Trade-Reference on Your Business report at the same time

BUILD, MANAGE, & GROW REVIEWS for major PLAYERS on the internet like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Angie’s List, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Autotrader, CARFAX, CarGurus, Edmunds just to name a few!

Now you have one place to manage your website, online store, contacts, email marketing and much more plus the strategy to put these tools to work for you.

Bo Knows Blog

Ready for a new lease on Life?

Let's get started today!

Bo Knows maintains a position at the top of the credit repair industry for good reason and is determined to pave the way for others to be successful in the financial world as well.




COPYRIGHT © 2020. All Rights Reserved. 

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